Sunday, July 10

Scenes from the Cottage Garden

The cottage garden has been full of blossoms this year. Here are some scenes from the first blooms. Since I snapped these pics, most of these have passed by and the colors of mid-summer are opening up. I'll show you those in the very near future.

My mock orange bush outdid itself this year. My favorite part of this bush is when the petals rain down over our walkway and garden at the end of the blooming cycle. The blossoms smell wonderful while they last. You also see some daisy flea bane and dianthus in this scene.

I'm so happy lupines and iris bloom at the same time as they make such beautiful companions.

Every year I start new lupine seeds of many colors, but it seems purple is the only color I can grow. I have several shades of purple, but I'm hoping to add some other colors with any luck. I started more seeds this year so we will see in seasons to come if I'm successful.
I started these foxglove from seeds last summer.
This lovely rose is a volunteer. A few years ago I noticed it in my garden and happily let her stay.
more scenes from my cottage garden to come.....

What to do when it is just too Darn hot to Garden?

It has been a very hot summer everywhere. From what I have been told it is normal to get 100 plus days from the months here from  May to Oct...