We’ve been growing veggies in containers this year. I don’t have a lot of sunlight here in the woods, so this is one solution I’ve found. I put the pots in wheelbarrows and move them around to follow the sun. My plants are in containers set in the wheelbarrow, but I’ve seen other gardeners plant the whole wheelbarrow.
Sunday, July 31
Saturday, July 30
Late July in the Cottage Garden
Here are some snaps of my garden on the morning of July 30, 2022. My cat Chloe joined me in a walk through the garden.
Tuesday, July 26
Monday, July 25
Many Marigolds
My mother planted these marigolds from seed and so many took we have an abundance. And that is a good thing! My deck is filled with cheerful yellow and gold flowers.
Sunday, July 24
Mother’s Day Roses “Double Knock Out”
My daughter gave me this “Double Knock Out”rose bush for Mother’s Day and I love it! It’s been blooming since May.
Saturday, July 23
Container Vegetable Garden
The veggies we are growing in containers are doing better than the veggies in the raised bed- with the exception of shallots and herbs which are doing well in the raised bed. But tomatoes, peppers, squash, greens, and eggplant are thriving in pots of all shapes and sizes. I’ve raised most up onto various surfaces like an old picnic table, lawn chairs, and benches. This seems to solve the snail and slug problems because the plants are high off the ground. I have seen a groundhog and a flock of wild turkeys checking out the container plants, but so far no damage done. Raising the containers is also easier on gardeners' backs!
This is how the vegetable container garden looked on the morning of July 23, 2022.
Wednesday, July 20
Morning in the Garden
With the heat of summer at its peak now, mornings are the best time to get out in the garden. The mosquitos aren’t as thick as they are in the evening, the birds are singing, and the morning light softens the scenery. I took this photograph early this morning when the low sunlight steamed through the lilacs and vinca.
Monday, July 18
Tomato Clones Update
Our little tomato clones, which we rooted from suckers, are growing! I don’t know if we will get fruit from them by the first frost, but some have blossoms. It’s a little experiment to see if this is worth the effort. More updates to come…
Sunday, July 17
My Oxalis Is Blooming
My oxalis plants look their best this time of year. The petite pink oxalis came from my grandmother’s plant which has been shared with many generations of our family. In the other pot, I have a white flowering and a red leaf oxalis. These will die back but they always return. I have had these plants for longer than I can remember. I always bring them inside for the winter months. These plants can often be found in March at grocery stores for St Patrick’s Day. The leaves look like shamrocks.
Thursday, July 14
Friday, July 8
Maine Cottage Garden Early July 2022
Daylilies and Daisy fleabane
Lady’s mantlePurple pansies
Sun through the grapevine
Fairy rose, daylily and yellow loosestrife
Sunday, July 3
Free tomato plants
Saturday, July 2
Maine Garden in June
Here are a few scenes from my garden in June
Rose of Sharon or MallowAstilbe
The fern path
Petunias I grew from saved seed
“The Red Drift” rose bush. I got this on clearance last year for 1 dollar. It is amazing! It bloomed well into December which is unheard of in Maine. I’m going to try to root cuttings from this and grow more.
What to do when it is just too Darn hot to Garden?
It has been a very hot summer everywhere. From what I have been told it is normal to get 100 plus days from the months here from May to Oct...

One of the first signs of spring in Maine is when the furry little catkins of the pussy-willow develop. On Easter this year, my...
Road trips by nature necessitate the need for pit stops along the way. My family has taken many road trips over the years, so we've visi...