Sunday, September 7

A Living Machine: Vermont's "Green" Rest Stop

Road trips by nature necessitate the need for pit stops along the way. My family has taken many road trips over the years, so we've visited a lot of rest stops on America's highways and byways. But very few rest areas can beat this one in Sharon, Vermont, just off I-89. Just take a look at what Vermont calls A Living Machine.
From what I understand, this rest stop, which is also the first Vietnam Memorial in Vermont, had many issues with sewage problems. There was a possibility it would need to be closed, but because it also served as a memorial, there was a great interest in saving the site as a Visitor's Center.

What you see in these photos is Vermont's unique and sustainable answer to their problem- A Living Machine.
 From the Visitor's Center, where you can find helpful people, travel information, displays about Vermont's history, and complimentary tea, you walk into this beautiful greenhouse.

 Not only is the greenhouse beautiful, but check out that view through the glass!
In these tanks grow tropical plants which are filtering the waste water from the rest rooms.
                                         Here's a close-up view of a one of the tanks.
Along the path which leads from the visitor's center to the memorial, is a pretty garden with native plants.
Have you ever seen such an amazing highway rest stop? It's a tourist attraction in and of itself. 

Next stop Smugglers' Notch Vermont......

1 comment:

Linda Thomson said...

What a great solution to a problem! This place is just beautiful. I've never been to Vermont but I'd love to go.

What to do when it is just too Darn hot to Garden?

It has been a very hot summer everywhere. From what I have been told it is normal to get 100 plus days from the months here from  May to Oct...