Monday, May 19

An Australian Garden

Here in Maine, Spring is in full force and we're looking forward to our summer gardens. But, in Australia, Autumn is coming to a close and Winter is just around the corner.
In my cousin's garden in Australia, the harvest is winding down. She's been cooking up some pumpkin soup and damper, an Aussie bush bread.
Even though it's the end of the season, she and her husband still have some impressive looking produce growing- broccoli, rhubarb, citrus trees, passion-fruit and also some pretty flowers. Take a look at these photos she's been so kind to share with us.

                                   Gorgeous barrel of blue flowers. What a pretty scene!
                                                      Some lovely rhubarb

  In addition, her garden attracts a variety of wildlife which I absolutely love hearing about. She has a family of possums, as well as beautiful birds and lizards. And just look what she sees hopping around her property!

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