Saturday, November 19

Garden Tour Bucket List: Plimoth Plantation Wampanoag Homesite Garden, Massachusetts

The world is full of so many spectacular and varied gardens. And I'd like to visit each one of them, but until I win the lottery that's not possible! However, through the wonders of YouTube, it is possible for a virtual visit. I have found so many garden tour videos, I'd like to share my Garden Tour Bucket list with Sprouts readers. Each week, I'll feature a different garden video tour on my bucket list.

Today, in honor of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, the gardens at Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth Massachusetts. This is one place I have actually visited, but not for nearly 20 years, so it's on my bucket list to return. At Plimoth Plantation you will see both Pilgrim's gardens and also agriculture at the Wampanoag homesite.

Here's a virtual visit to the Wampanoag homesite garden.

To learn more, visit the Plimoth Plantation website here.

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