Thursday, August 12

Perennial Food Garden

 2021 weather in Maine battered our gardens.  Spring and early summer were dry, followed by seemingly endless rain through July. Rain continues to threaten with more in the forecast. While other gardeners struggled with such challenges, this year I did not plant any vegetables.  Why? Recent years have not produced enough to make my efforts worthwhile, most likely due to my ever-growing forest casting shade on my garden beds.  

Instead, I’ve been planting food-producing perennials and so far this year it has been a success. I have elderberry, blackberry, raspberry, rhubarb, Jerusalem artichoke, various herbs, Egyptian walking onions, strawberries, and chives.  All return year after year and don’t seem to mind growing in partial shade. I’m also exploring wildcrafting those edible treasures which grow willingly around the property with no help from me. 

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