We are still getting plenty of cherry tomatoes from the suckers we rooted a few months ago. It has really increased the amount of tomatoes harvested and I will do it again next year.
Thursday, September 15
Saturday, September 3
Wednesday, August 17
Maine Garden August 17 2022
Cherry tomatoes grown from suckers
Eggplant and summer squash
More cherry tomatoes
Pepper blossom
Purple Pansies
Tuesday, August 9
Container Vegetable Garden August 9 2022
I was disappointed to see a huge tomato hornworm eating my beefsteak tomatoes. I planted this one from seed back in February amd it was the only one to grow. All other tomatoes we bought from a nursery. But there are more blossoms so hopefully we will get more beefsteaks later.
Sunday, August 7
Friday, August 5
Container Vegetable Garden Early August 2022
We are harvesting many varieties of small tomato. The beefsteaks aren’t ready yet but progressing nicely. We are also harvesting a variety of fresh greens
Sunday, July 31
Portable Wheelbarrow Garden
We’ve been growing veggies in containers this year. I don’t have a lot of sunlight here in the woods, so this is one solution I’ve found. I put the pots in wheelbarrows and move them around to follow the sun. My plants are in containers set in the wheelbarrow, but I’ve seen other gardeners plant the whole wheelbarrow.
Saturday, July 30
Late July in the Cottage Garden
Here are some snaps of my garden on the morning of July 30, 2022. My cat Chloe joined me in a walk through the garden.
Tuesday, July 26
Monday, July 25
Many Marigolds
My mother planted these marigolds from seed and so many took we have an abundance. And that is a good thing! My deck is filled with cheerful yellow and gold flowers.
What to do when it is just too Darn hot to Garden?
It has been a very hot summer everywhere. From what I have been told it is normal to get 100 plus days from the months here from May to Oct...

One of the first signs of spring in Maine is when the furry little catkins of the pussy-willow develop. On Easter this year, my...
Road trips by nature necessitate the need for pit stops along the way. My family has taken many road trips over the years, so we've visi...