Spring has sprung in Sacramento, CA and it's time to get your garden in tip-top shape for the summer months. With the weather warming up and the soil moist from spring rains, May is the perfect time to plant, prune, and prepare your garden for a bountiful harvest.

Here are some tips on what to do in your garden in Sacramento, CA in May:
1. Check soil moisture: After any rain, check the soil moisture in several places around your garden. Some spots may be saturated; avoid walking or working those wet areas. Some places may need extra irrigation; give those plants a drink .
2. Keep an eye out for pests: Keep an eye out for slugs, snails, earwigs and aphids that want to dine on tender new growth . Use natural pest control methods such as companion planting or introducing beneficial insects to keep pests at bay.
3. Feed summer bloomers: Feed summer bloomers with a balanced fertilizer . This will give them the nutrients they need to produce an abundance of beautiful blooms.
4. Deadhead spent flowers: For continued bloom, cut off spent flowers on roses as well as other flowering plants . This will encourage the plant to produce more flowers and keep your garden looking beautiful.
5. Water regularly: Don’t forget to water later this week. Those showers may not have delivered much moisture. Seedlings need consistency. Deep watering will help build strong roots and healthy plants .
6. Set up a monthly feeding program: Put your veggie garden on a regular diet. Set up a monthly feeding program, and keep track on your calendar. Make sure to water your garden before applying any fertilizer to prevent “burning” your plants .
7. Prune spring-flowering shrubs: As spring-flowering shrubs finish blooming, give them a little pruning to shape them, removing old and dead wood . This will encourage new growth and keep your shrubs looking healthy.
8. Add mulch: Add mulch to the garden to conserve moisture and maintain soil warmth. Mulch also cuts down on weeds . Choose an organic mulch such as shredded leaves or straw to add nutrients to the soil as it decomposes.
9. Plant vegetables: Plant, plant, plant! It’s prime planting season in the Sacramento area. Time to set out those tomato transplants along with peppers and eggplants . You can also direct-seed melons, cucumbers, summer squash, corn, radishes, pumpkins and annual herbs such as basil .
10. Plant flowers: In the flower garden, direct-seed sunflowers, cosmos, salvia, zinnias, marigolds, celosia and asters . You can also transplant seedlings for many of the same flowers. Choose a variety of colors and shapes to create a visually stunning garden.
By following these tips and taking good care of your garden in May, you'll be rewarded with a beautiful and productive garden throughout the summer months.