Wednesday, May 3

Garden Pests to Watch for in Sacramento, CA in May

May is a time of growth and abundance in the garden in Sacramento, CA. However, it's also a time when garden pests can become a problem. Keeping an eye out for common pests and taking steps to control them can help keep your garden healthy and productive.

Here are some common garden pests to watch for in Sacramento, CA in May:

1. Japanese beetle: The Japanese beetle is a highly destructive insect that has been confirmed in Sacramento County ³. This pest can cause significant damage to plants by feeding on leaves, flowers and fruits.

2. Spotted wing drosophila: The spotted wing drosophila is a tiny fruit fly that damages mostly cherries in the Sacramento area ¹.

3. Bagrada bug: The Bagrada bug is an invasive stink bug that feeds on plants in the mustard family, including broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage ¹.

4. Asian citrus psyllid: The Asian citrus psyllid is an insect that damages citrus fruit and can transmit the deadly citrus disease Huanglongbing (HLB) or citrus greening ³.

5. Brown marmorated stink bug: The brown marmorated stink bug is an invasive stink bug that feeds on a wide range of fruits and vegetables ³.

6. Citrus leafminer: The citrus leafminer is a small moth whose larvae feed on the leaves of citrus trees ¹.

7. Leaffooted bug: The leaffooted bug is a large stink bug that feeds on fruits and vegetables ¹.

It's important to keep an eye out for these pests in your garden and take steps to control them if necessary. This can include using natural pest control methods such as companion planting or introducing beneficial insects that prey on these pests. You can also use non-toxic control measures such as handpicking large pests or spraying plants with soapy water to control aphids. It's also important to practice good garden hygiene by removing plant debris and keeping your garden tools clean to minimize the spread of pests and diseases.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 5/22/2023
(1) Welcome! - Sacramento MGs -
(2) Gardeners, prepare to fight pests | The Sacramento Bee.
(3) Top 10 Best Pest Control in Sacramento, CA - May 2023 - Yelp.
(4) What bug is in my Sacramento home, and how do I prevent it? | The ....

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