Tuesday, May 1

Happy May Day!

This morning the fairies left a May Day bouquet on our door step. It's hard to see in the photograph but it was filled with violets, strawberry blossoms and wildflowers. My daughter was delighted. It's pouring rain and cold here in Maine, so it was a little bit of cheer on a dreary May Day.

When I was a girl, we learned the Maypole dance at school on May Day. The teachers attached streamers to a flag pole and taught us how to dance around the Maypole, weaving the streamers into a pretty pattern. I also remember weaving baskets of construction paper and filling our baskets with wildflowers.

I found this lovely youtube video and song to mark the occasion this year. It may be raining outside but in our hearts, it's a beautiful spring day. Enjoy this day!

1 comment:

Cathy and Steve said...

Thanks for reminding me of lovely May Day memories! We did the same thing in grade school!

I wish I had had some forethought to celebrate, but I think I'll ask the fairies to surprise my husband instead with a Cinqo de Mayo bouquet instead!

Thanks for the inspiration!

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