Thursday, July 26

Note to Michele: Fruit, Veg and Blossoms

It's hard to believe we're nearing the end of July and the end of Summer won't be long in coming. We've had beautiful days with just a few showers over the past month. This week we had some powerful thunderstorms but it was all over quite quickly. Things are happening in my home garden. The blackberries are ripening, we've several bunches of grapes coming along, and many pretty blossoms.
The first of my tomatoes to ripen. These are an size somewhere between a cherry tomato and a full size tomato.

My cukes are blooming but nothing to harvest yet. Here you see a plant mulched in seaweed.
A small sunflower which seeded in from bird seed, I believe. I have several of these all around our deck area.

Red day lilies- the most common type of day lily I have next to the wild orange type.
Cosmos which I planted from seed. I don't have much luck starting from seeds, but these did quite well. If you look closely you'll see a tiny bee on a petal.

I also have bee balm in bloom, a flower which never fails to attract hummingbirds and butterflies.

I recently took some photos at a display garden in the White Mountains of N.H. The garden exhibited a large variety of native species. I took numerous photos which I'll share with you very soon. In the meantime, I hope your midsummer is beautiful and productive.

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