Thistles, thistles everywhere. Do you know any effective way to get rid of them? I think the more you remove them, the more they spread. I know you have to remove the entire root, but is that even possible? I've seen many gardeners just leave them, and I think that may be a good solution if you can get away with it. I can't get away with it at a community garden.
Here is a photo of my not too lush runner beans. Pretty pathetic, huh? Not quite like the ones I grew as a child in England.
I am trying to think about how to make my life easier next year. Thoughts of building raised beds pop into my mind from time to time, but I am not sure if it's worth the expense for a community garden. Another thought is to give up my plot as the apartment I have now has a tiny garden and a patio large enough for many containers. Any thoughts on what I should do?
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