Sunday, April 28

Note to Michele: My April Garden

Dear Michele,

Today, I took my camera out in the garden to show you my April garden.  The forsythia are in full bloom.
 My daughter planted three flats of pansies in a new garden flower garden we made. I've been dividing perennials from my old borders to add to this new little flower garden. We've added lupine, day lilies, iris, daisies, creeping phlox and a tall variety of phlox.
 The tiny pansies are always so cheerful this time of year and don't mind the chill.
My rhubarb plant is growing rapidly. I planted this last year.
 We have several varieties of daffodils. Some are naturalizing in the woods. I'm not even sure how they got there!
The Egyptian walking onions and chives are growing quickly.
Indoors I've started lettuce, parsley, spinach and cosmos. I planted some of these same seeds outdoors in the raised beds as well. I also planted sweet peas in my daughter's flower bed.
 My mother and father started some pussy-willows from cuttings of their own pussy-willow tree. Today I planted a tiny tree which they gave me. It will be nice to have pussy-willows to cut each spring. Their tree is huge now.
 Below you see the little pussy-willows gone by and the tree is starting to leaf out. To root these my mother and father simply cut branches and stuck them in some dirt last year and now we have a little tree.
What's happening in your garden?

Until next time....

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