Sunday, July 7

Mom and Dad's Flower Garden at Dusk

 A few years ago, I showed you my Mom and Dad's deck adorned with summer flowers. Last night at dusk, I snapped photos of this summer's flowers for you to see.
This is their new three tiered hanging basket. They bought a two tiered basket, then added the larger bottom basket which was sold individually. They planted it with geraniums, begonias and ivy. It hangs on their front porch above a large pot of begonias.
These marigolds are a pretty pale yellow.
Even the mailbox is a pretty garden!
Pink geraniums planted under the mailbox.
The hydrangeas are in bloom.
I think they look like elegant summer snowballs.
In this close-up you can see the hundreds of tiny flowers making up each cluster.
Mom and Dad have several of these pretty iron window boxes on their deck. This year they are planted with sweet alyssum, bright yellow marigolds, and red geraniums. Before the summer is out, I will give you a day time tour to show you more of their pretty containers filled with flowers.

What to do when it is just too Darn hot to Garden?

It has been a very hot summer everywhere. From what I have been told it is normal to get 100 plus days from the months here from  May to Oct...