We've been talking about the tropical plants sold by Trader Joe's and the great variety and good prices they have.
For my birthday, my kids gave me an orchid they bought at Trader Joe's.
I just love the colors in this orchid. My cat Chloe wanted to check it out too.
One of the things I love about orchids is how long lasting orchid blooms are.
I've even had luck getting an orchid to re-bloom. I'm hoping this orchid adds blooms to our house through the rest of winter and into spring.
What to do when it is just too Darn hot to Garden?
It has been a very hot summer everywhere. From what I have been told it is normal to get 100 plus days from the months here from May to Oct...

One of the first signs of spring in Maine is when the furry little catkins of the pussy-willow develop. On Easter this year, my...
Road trips by nature necessitate the need for pit stops along the way. My family has taken many road trips over the years, so we've visi...