Saturday, April 16

Eco-Day and French Breakfast Radishes

It was a cold and blustery April day, but the crowds still arrived for Eco-Day at the Wells Reserve at Laudholm Farm in Wells, Maine. We explored the booths, Farmer's Market, and saw a baby pig, goat, bunnies and chickens. Best of all, a multitude of amazing kites took advantage of the strong wind.

We were given some French Breakfast Radish seeds. I'm curious about the name of these radishes-does anyone know why they are called Breakfast Radishes? I did a little research but couldn't find the origin of the name. I learned they have been cultivated since the 18th century, have a mild flavor, and grow 3-4 inches. I'm going to plant some tomorrow and send Michele some to try in her garden, too. Anyone interested in ordering some French Breakfast Radish seeds click here.

Laudholm Farm is a wonderful place to hike and enjoy wildlife. For more information visit

What to do when it is just too Darn hot to Garden?

It has been a very hot summer everywhere. From what I have been told it is normal to get 100 plus days from the months here from  May to Oct...