Tuesday, November 1

Creating a Backyard Habitat

A Backyard Habitat

Creating a backyard habitat is not only good for the wildlife, but good for your children, too. Getting to know wildlife up close and personal gives children an appreciation for all living beings on this earth. When critters share the backyard with your family, a life long respect of nature is cultivated.
Teach your children which creatures should be observed from a distance...

... and which can be handled gently.

Be prepared to be delighted...

Because creating a wild habitat will bring some surprising visitors.

Even the tiniest backyard residents are a source of fascination for children.

1. Grow plants which provide a source of food for wildlife.
2. Allow wild plants a space in your garden.
3. Provide a water source.
4. Install a wildlife motion sensored camera
5. Install feeder and housing for birds, bats, butterflies, bees and other critters
6. Teach children to keep quiet and still so wildlife will feel comfortable.
7. Have children take their own photographs
8. Visit your local library to find books about your backyard friends.
9. Give your child a nature journal in which to draw pictures and write observations. This will get them up close and personal with the flora and fauna in their own backyard and create a lasting memento.
10. Use organic practices that respect all creatures in an ecosystem and allowing biodiversity.

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