Friday, September 14

Note to Caroline: Last Day at Community Plot-Portland

Hi there. So I did decide to give up my plot and garden at my new apartment which has a large patio that I can place lots of those 4 gallon buckets. I have decided that is the most cost effective way for me to garden  right now although plastic food buckets are not too pretty! I do intend to paint them possibly if I have the time.I found a blog entry from someone that did an excellent job of painting them. I will post that information for our readers and for you to see soon. Here are some photos from my last day. Mostly I weeded, but I was able to save some bulbs, runner bean seeds and some potatoes to use as starts for next year. The weather is still great here and it is still in the 80's. The non-stop rain usually does not start until late October.

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