Hi Michele,
We're starting to feel a nip in the air at night. It won't be long before we experience our first frost. This evening, I took a walk through my garden, camera in hand, to show you the last hurrah of summer at my house. Below is a bowl of produce harvested today-the last summer squash, cuke, eggplant, peppers and wax beans.
I have some tomatoes still on the vine but most are green. We'll be having fried green tomatoes very soon.
As you know, I haven't had much luck starting seeds indoors in the spring. These cosmos are the exception. I started these in peat pots in April. I'm letting them go to seed so hopefully, next year, we'll have more. This is the first type of flower I planted at my house when I moved in many years ago.
I'll bring some of this parsley indoors to grow on a windowsill soon.
In the asparagus patch, the plants have gone to seed. I read that these could possibly seed in so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
The onion bed is full to bursting. If you look closely you will see some peppermint sneaking into the onions.
Our grapevine has produced three bunches of grapes. I wasn't certain when we should harvest these, but tonight the entire garden smells like sweet grape juice so I'm guessing it's about time. I might just leave these out there to enjoy the aroma. It's heavenly. I'm hoping next year we'll have a bigger crop and perhaps can make some jelly.
It's the season for mums.....
and pumpkins!
I can't take credit for these pumpkins. I did plant pumpkins this year. I had nice vines, but no blossoms or pumpkins. My daughter was eager for pumpkins so we bought these ones. I told her how we grew big pumpkins by feeding them milk when I was a girl, so she wants to try that next year. I think a good part of our community plot may go to pumpkins in 2013. We cleaned out half the community garden plot and will soon put that to bed for the winter. It's hard to believe another growing season is coming to a close. I've heard this coming winter will be snowy and cold. If so, we'll have lots of time to read seed catalogs and dream of next season!
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