Friday, August 19

Maine Community Garden Update

I spent some time at my garden plot yesterday.

My acorn squash and pumpkins were ready for harvesting. The vines were dead as is usual in late September here, so it seems early . I chatted with Dad, he said his garden seems to be several weeks ahead this year too and has the same problem. Also, we've both noticed less yield in general. He says his summer squash and zucchini are tough.

I pulled the vines and covered the area with mulch.

The peppers are doing great.

Have lots of green tomatoes but none ripe yet.

The plants I thought were eggplant turned out to be huge sunflower plants. I didn't plant them. I've noticed this variety growing in another garden so they must have seeded in. A nice surprise.

Asparagus Beans are blossoming but no beans yet.

Onions are getting larger.

Melons are growing. Just need for them to ripen.

Cucumber plants looking sickly. Blossoms but no cukes.

Corn is almost ready to harvest.

I saw a lot of pests- mostly different kinds of beetles. We did see a huge green caterpillar covered in wasp larva.

Weeded, watered and mulched.

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