Wednesday, January 30

Note to Caroline: 2013 Garden Plans

Hi Caroline as you know late fall I had to move my business to another location and moved into another apartment only a few weeks apart. I gave up my community garden plot late fall because I was having trouble going back and forth with my busy schedule. I am excited though because finally I have an apartment with a small yard. I just got word back from my landlords that I can add a border which I plan to use to plant the vegetable garden.

I also have a large patio that I plan to use for container gardening. What do you think about those gallon plastic containers? My budget is limited so I might have to use them. I found a blog where they painted the containers and they look very pretty. The photo and information for the blog are below.

Here is a side view of my apartment steps. I am thinking of adding pots here too on the retainer wall. Any suggestions? I was thinking of window boxes of low growing herbs.

As you can see I have a area of grass.If it were my yard I would get rid of the grass and perhaps put in raised beds.

Here is RC and another view of the other side of the patio. I am also thinking about a theme garden for the patio. Themes I have in mind are a Caribbean or Spanish garden. I would like to purchase a set of patio furniture perhaps from Goodwill so I can spray paint it bright colors. I have a wall fountain that I had at my business that I will be setting up late spring.

Here is a photo of the painted buckets from the California Pixie Blog
Didn't she do a great job? Not sure I have the patience to complete a project like this. I know we have to get our 2013 Seed list soon.

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