Sunday, June 23

A Rainbow of Color at the Monastery Gardens

As promised in my previous post, I have some close-ups shots of the flowers in the St Anthony's Franciscan Monastery gardens. The day I visited, many different types of flowers were in bloom in a variety of colors and it was just beginning to sprinkle. I took a lot of shots, trying to capture the flowers for you, before the storm arrived. I hope you enjoy these photographs. My favorite is the photo of the peonies. Do you have a favorite?

See my previous post on St. Anthony's Franciscan Monastery from 2011 here.
To see monastery winter photos click here.
To see monastery Autumn photos click here.
To visit the Monastery Guest House website click here.


Anonymous said...

Your photos are really nice! Can I ask you what kind of camera you use? I have an old point and shoot Kodak, and am currently looking for a new one. Thanks!

Caroline said...

Hi- I used a Nikon D40. You can see it in the sidebar of my other blog:

I use the Nikkor 18-55 mm lens which comes with the body of the camera, as well as a Nikon 55-200 zoom lens.

The photos in this post were taken with the 18-55 mm lens.

Good luck!

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