Tuesday, February 15

Note to Michele: About Missouri, Disclaimer, and Stonehenge

 I agree a disclaimer is a good idea.We'll be ordering from other seed companies as well. I've been looking through my catalog collection here, trying to decide what else to order. I had good luck with several varieties of hot peppers last year, however, I've never been able to produce Bell Peppers. I've had terrible luck with Chamomile and Lavender, too, but would like to try both again. I think maybe my climate is just wrong for lavender or maybe I don't have enough sun.

 We did travel through Missouri on our trip. It's a beautiful state.  I'd love to go back some day. We stayed in Springfield and were treated to the best all you can eat breakfast ever. They offered us huge waffles, biscuits and gravy, cereals, all sorts of baked goods, eggs, ham, fresh fruit, fruit cups, pastries, and more. Talk about hospitality!

We visited the Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home and Museum in Mansfield, which is where Baker Creek Seeds is located. Laura and Almanzo Wilder lived on and successfully farmed Rocky Ridge Farm, having settled on the land in 1894.  It's been preserved for fans to visit the place where the Little House books were written. Did you know Laura started her writing career as a columnist for the Missouri Ruralist? (Can you Laura is my favorite author?)
Rocky Ridge Farm in Mansfield, Missouri
I really loved the state for its natural beauty and super nice people. The only thing I know about the climate off the top of my head is from my readings about the Wilders. They farmed there for decades, having moved from South Dakota for a better climate. I think the winters are milder than Maine, but colder than Portland, Oregon. I'd have to look it up to be certain.

Your mother is going to have a wonderful experience with her Reiki class at Stonehenge.  I think it would be wonderful if she'd write as a guest blogger for us. Do you think she'd post regular updates while there? Maybe you can write more about stones from your experience in energy work, explaining how it could be used in the garden. I'd like to learn more. I bet others would be interested, too.

1 comment:

Greta Robbins said...

Thanks for mentioning me on your blog. Yes, I am looking forward to attending my ART/Master Reiki class in Glastonbury and Stonehenge. There are several articles written on Reiki and Gardening and I will try to reference one on my return. Also will update you both on Stonehenge. Sorry that Michele will not be returning to UK with me as she was born there and we live there for several years. Congrats to you both, your blog is so beautiful and informative. Also to you kids who are helping with garden

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