Thursday, June 7

Note to Michele: Planting in the Rain

The rain has been falling for nearly a week now.  So, today I decided we’d just have to do some planting in the rain. Together, my daughter and I have been reading a series of books by Roger Lea MacBride about Laura Ingalls Wilder’s life as an adult on her Missouri farm. These books, known at the Rose Years, are told from the perspective of her daughter Rose. Farming in those days was back breaking work we’ve been learning, so we figured a little rain wouldn’t hurt us compared to the trials they endured. In the book we just finished, drought and fire nearly ruined their crops, making us appreciate this rain we’ve been having.

We planted bush beans and chard seed today. I also noticed some tomato volunteers popping up so I moved them around into a neater formation than they had chosen for themselves. Perhaps we’ll get some more tomatoes from them. The plants these came from were volunteers in my home garden last year, so this is the third year we’ll be getting tomatoes from the original seedlings I bought.
At home, there is much work to do and I just might go out and work in the rain this afternoon too. The weeds are doing quite well with all this rain and my garden is being overtaken quickly. I bought some seeds for pickling cukes as I’d like to learn how to make my grandmother’s bread and butter pickles this fall.
Above is a photo of the garden in the rain today. In the foreground are the peppers we planted last week, followed by eggplant, then two rows of chard, two rows of lettuce, bush beans, the tomato patch, and more bush beans. I think that about fills up our community garden plot for this year if everything comes up.
Soon, I'm hoping to share some photographs of my climbing roses. I noticed today they are about ready to burst into bloom. I can't wait!
What is going on in your garden?

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