Tuesday, March 29

Sweet Maple Days

My kids have been thrilled with the process of making Maple syrup. We've been collecting the sap, trying out different containers and methods, and boiled down our first batch. It's so much fun to take part in this New England tradition, knowing in centuries gone by, our ancestors made Maple Syrup pretty much the same way.

This past Sunday, we visited Harris Farm in Dayton for Maine Maple Sunday. It was packed with cars from several states lining the road, the parking lot overflowing, and the line for pancakes snaking out the door and around the property. We waited in line about 30 minutes to tour the Sugar Shack. My kids saw a commercial evaporator at work and asked lots of questions. After, they ate Maple donuts and Maple Kettle Popcorn, all made at Harris Farm. In addition to the syrup production, we visited the dairy cows, chickens, and the baby goats.

We are enjoying this sweet Maple tradition around here. I'll give a update on our own Maple adventure very soon.

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