My precious Day Lilies, Siberian Iris, Bee Balm, Phlox, Roses, Peonies, Lilacs and other blossoms are the great grandchildren of beloved gardens of yesteryear.
Each spring when the lilacs bloom, I remember Francis, a neighbor from my childhood. Francis gave us tours of his colonial house, invited us to dig in an ancient family dump to find antique bottles, and told us stories of ghosts who shared the old house. His grandmother planted countless lilacs on the property. When I was a child, these lilacs were ancient, towered over me, and created enchanting childhood
Lilacs growing on my property today are the offspring of my mom's lilacs. Her lilacs are the offspring of Francis' lilacs. Though Francis and his ancient lilacs are gone, each spring when my lilacs bloom, I remember the kind old gentleman I once knew.
Each blossom has a story to tell. Ant covered peony buds signal the end of another school year. As buds explode to bloom our childhood hearts burst with the joy of freedom.
Each flower, each fragrance, holds a reminder of a day gone by.
Like the day my mom planted the old fashioned roses along the split rail fence...
...and watching her paint a picture as lovely as a Monet in our backyard. Monet used paint, Mom used seeds, cuttings and perennials. Together my parents dug a lily pond, adding more beauty to our lives. The gardeners who came before me filled my world with beauty...
and my life with precious memories that bloom in my garden-and in my heart- year after year.
Thank for dropping by to read my blog, it enable me to discover your blog. What lovely photographs, especially the peony and the butterfly.
You have such a deep connection to the gardeners who came before you. I wish I had that kind of history in my garden. My father was a gardener, but he died when I was a teenager, and we left his house and garden in the east many years ago to come west. I love that so many of your flowers have a story.
Your garden is the blooms, love the photos. It is so respectful of you to honor the gardeners who came before you.
Your blog reminds me a little of another gardening blog, The Gardening Blog. They are also two friends who blog.
Welcome to Blotanical!
Great post. When I stroll my garden, I feel I'm in the company of all who contributed a bulb, a cutting ("Here, stick this in the ground, it will root."), suckers and offsets, seeds, even a tree.
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