Sunday, May 22

Reply To Michele: Overwintered Kale

Hi Michele,

That explains why the winter veg at my community garden are going to seed as well. Good to know. Those Kale Chips look good. I was given a dehydrator for Christmas, perhaps I could make Kale Chips. I wonder if my kids would eat them.

All is well here, though we had a busy weekend. It's been raining here all week so I haven't done much in the garden. But, we took a hike and today we visited Salem, Massachusetts so I took a lot of pictures to share with you. We had a great time despite the gray skies.

I have some tomatoes sprouting, but the egg cartons are not working out great. Like yours, they are developing a white fuzzy mold on some of the crates. Also, some of my flower seedlings started out great and then rotted. I think I'm going to buy some peat pots and try again this week. I'm going to hope the weather improves but I've heard we're in for more rain. I'm afraid tonight we may get a frost it is so cold.


1 comment:

Michele said...

I agree with your thoughts on the egg crates. They sounded like a good idea and did work, but just not well enough. I thought the peat pellets worked out way better and all I had to do was tranfer the pellets into large pots.

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