Saturday, May 14

Note to Caroline-Weed?

Caroline, on my way into work today guess what I saw? The same clump of plants that are growing in your garden that you are trying to identify. The clump was growing in a well weeded church garden so now I think it might not be a weed. Has anyone identified it yet? Take a look at the photos I took and let me know if you think it is the same plant growing in your garden?

This morning I started to think about my summer plans other than the garden which seems very slow to get going this year due to our cool and wet spring. Biking is one activity on my agenda, but I need to buy a bike first. A friend offered to help me find one and fix one up. There is a huge bike community here in Portland and biking is a way of life. It reminds me of last summer when I saw the "naked bike riders" pass by my building right in the middle of the street. Only in Portland can you see a group of 40 plus bike riders riding naked down the street and nobody is shocked by it.

What are your summer plans besides the garden?I know that you always have some really neat places that you visit that are close by.

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