Saturday, May 14

Note to Michele: Weeds 'N Things

Hi Michele,

I think the top photo could possibly be the same plant variety. Whatever it is, I have it coming up in my garden but I didn't plant it. It seems to spread too. At first I thought it might be some kind nettle, but I really don't know. Today, I've been working on weeding the rest of the herb garden. I was given three more totes full of plants -violets, lambsear, strawberries, lupine, chives, thyme, mint, and sage.

I'm planting the mint in an area far away from the other gardens so I can have a nice patch of it without it invading my gardens. Now I have several varieties. I love mint ice cream and wonder if I can find a recipe using my own mint.

Things are blooming every day now. I have a bed of tulips in bloom, but it's cloudy so they are closed up in the photo. When the sun comes out they open up. The ground phlox is in bloom. My lilacs and cherry tree are just starting to bloom.  I'll post photos of those when they open completely.
As far as summer plans, we will be sticking closer to home than we did two summers ago. We are definitely going to visit Storyland in the White Mountains one day. We will probably go camping and also spend time at the beach. I hope to do a lot of hiking with the kids, too. You've inspired me to think about getting my own bike tuned up. It's in the shed where it has been for years. In fact, the first thing I'd need to do to it is remove the infant seat from the back! That's how long it's been. I can't wait to see a photo of your new bike when you get one.


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