Thursday, May 5

Reply to Michele: Royal Wedding, Egyptian Onions, and perennials

Hi Michele,

We've had some wet weeks here too. I did some work in my garden on Saturday. I discovered my oregano survived the winter. I thought I'd lost it, but found it under the mulch, green and healthy. I'm going to get to my community garden plot soon. I'm not sure yet what I will plant there.

Sunday, I probably should have spent some time in the garden, but drove to the mountains. We did some hiking in Franconia Notch where we discovered a few trails still covered in snow and ice still clinging to the New Hampshire granite in places. You can see some photos of our day on my homeschooling blog
here. The dog came with us. He enjoyed hiking but also liked cooling off in the snow. The day after the hike, he got a nice summer shave so on future hikes, he'll be cool.

I was given some perennials yesterday- strawberry plants, thyme, rosemary, and many flowering plants. I received your flower seeds and will get those in the ground, too. Recently, I mailed you a package with breakfast radish seeds and a cluster of Egyptian Onions.

Here is a picture I took this morning of my Egyptian Onions and chives. The Egyptian Onions are the tallest. You can see a picture of these blooming last year here. These onions are fun to watch grow. From the flower, bulbs will grow on the top of the plant. Once the bulbs are heavy enough, the plant will fall over and seed into the ground. These are also known as Egyptian Walking Onions for that reason.

We watched the Royal Wedding with my parents. I thought the whole day was like an enchanting fairytale. It was difficult not to notice Diana's absence and wonder what the day would be like had she lived. Everything was beautiful.


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